What most people know about me is that I have helped over 20.000 kids step into the field of spirituality through my audiobooks, by answering the questions that they are too afraid to ask. At age 19, I quit my studies in Psychology to pursue my true passion; coaching and travel. At age 21, I had coached 100+ plus people, travelled to 27 countries and seen places most people would never get to see in their life. 

Honestly, I have never walked the ordinary path. In fact, when everyone told me to finish my studies in Psychology, I decided to quit. And when everyone told me to give up my coaching business and get a safe job because the business wasn’t going as good as I thought it should be, I went the extra mile and landed an extra cliënt. I have a deep need for freedom and for doing things my way. 

Here’s something that most people don’t know about me: I felt like I couldn’t be myself for most of my life. It was as if I would always be too young to pursue what I wanted, and always interested in the things that weren’t accepted to openly talk about. In fact, most of my life I felt like I had to hide my passion for discovering the world, diving into spirituality, and drawing the best out of people. I would even hide my dreams about traveling to 50 countries before I am 25 years old and changing the educational system through my coaching business in order for me to fit in.


A Special Mat


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It is clear that I have a constant need for freedom and to do things my way, a new way. This creative way to develop and do new things became my way of living a life of freedom at a very young age, but it also has a dark side.
The dark side of this is that when people offer me help with a genuine intention, I often mistake it as them not believing in me. In fact, most of my life I have not felt supported in my decisions because I was mistaken people’s love for conditional control. When people checked in with me, I thought they were sticking their nose into my business, when in fact they just wanted to show me how much they cared. 

My clients are secret freedom-seekers like me, secret rebels. People with a deep need for freedom, but best if their environment doesn’t know about it. Sometimes my clients are entrepreneurs who got caught in the trap of ‘a life working to live’. These are people that want to experience all that life has to offer, but feel like the journey they have to walk to reach their destination won’t be understood by the people around them. These are the people that catch themselves saying “I can’t do that because I don’t want others to see me fail”.
Sometimes my clients lean into the field of coaching. They sense the potential there is to live a life of freedom but the child within is too afraid to express this need because it is secretly scared of being different

If you have dreams that you want to pursue but think that starting the journey means you’ll be walking a lonely path. And if you’re ready to step into freedom but are afraid to lose the people around you when you do, we should spend some time together. I coach secret rebels, like myself, to live a life of freedom and step into the powerful creator they know they are.

I coach inspirational, conscious and stubborn individuals with a need for freedom who feel like they have to walk their path alone because secretly they’re just scared of being different. 

“In the world of coaching, the bar to entry is very low and the bar to success if very high.” (Rich Litvin). This means that the usual coach is just someone with a piece of paper that says they are. I am not a usual coach. When people are in a session with me, we are not just talking about the steps they can take to get closer to their dreams. The clients I work with often don’t need that. My clients are like me: people who know perfectly well what steps to take but have a deep fear inside them that says they will either fail, made fun of, or unable to keep their successes up. Therefore, during a session with me we are not talking about the 17 step plan you need to reach your goals or top 3 ways you can be more productive. My clients know all of that already.

Instead, I play with my clients’ reality. I challenge their thinking and the way they see the world. I reflect their world back to them, tell them everything that everyone else is too afraid to tell them. As a result, their world broadens, they can see new options, new solutions, new opportunities. This allows my clients to go further than they ever thought they could.

I work with secret rebels and make a life of freedom their reality.

"Coaching with Mick is valuable, from person to person. He helps you further than you on your own never could or dared to dream of."
"Mick pushed me to make a bold move each month. It resulted in more peace, on a business level, as well as in my private life."
"Mick and I are working on health, relationships, and coaching, and so far the pounds are coming off, my relationships are improving, and my confidence in my ability to coach is skyrocketing!"
"I started to implement what I learned in the coaching and experienced a lot more physical and internal peace, which also had a positive effect on my sleep."